
Things You Should Know Before Spreading Mulch

5 Things You Should Know Before Spreading Mulch

The use of mulch in your beds offers a variety of benefits. It helps retain moisture in the soil, suppresses weeds, improves soil health by adding organic matter, and gives a landscape a finished look. However, before you go ahead and start spreading mulch on your garden, there are several things you need to know. In this article, we will discuss 5 things you should know before spreading mulch.

Things You Should Know Before Spreading Mulch

Which Mulch Keeps Its Color the Longest?
One of the biggest reasons homeowners and landscapers use mulch is for aesthetic reasons. However, if you have ever applied mulch, you know that the vibrant color at the time of application fades over time. Fortunately, some mulch products hold their color longer than others. Victory Gardens has three colors of dyed mulch. Dyed mulch holds its color for much longer than natural mulch varieties. We have both dyed and natural color mulches, so you can be have what works best for your yard. Check out our store. 

Will Mulch Work Everywhere?
Mulch can work in almost every type of planting bed or garden, but it’s essential to identify the area and the type of plants before applying mulch. Mulch works well in shaded areas, where it can help maintain moisture levels and prevent soil from drying out. Conversely, sunny areas require less mulch, as direct sunlight can dry out the soil more quickly. When in doubt, speak with one of our team members to help determine the best type and amount of mulch for your specific situation.

Will Mulch Stop Weeds?
One of the significant benefits of mulch is its ability to suppress weed growth. Mulch forms a barrier between the soil and the atmosphere, making it more difficult for weed seeds to germinate. However, this technique only works effectively if the mulch layer is thick enough. Aim for a depth of two to four inches of mulch to create an effective weed barrier. If weeds are already present, it’s best to remove them before applying mulch to prevent them from growing back later.

Things You Should Know Before Spreading Mulch

How Thick Should I Apply Organic Mulch?
Due to its ability to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and add organic matter to the soil, organic mulch is a popular choice for many gardeners and landscapers. However, you must use organic mulch correctly. To achieve optimal results, apply organic mulch in a layer between 2-3 inches in thickness. This thickness will ensure the mulch remains porous and allows oxygen and water to penetrate the soil while also preventing water logging. Be sure to use one of our mulch calculators on the mulch page when you choose your mulch.

Should I Use Landscape Fabric Under Mulch?
Landscape fabric is a popular option in planting beds and gardens. The material forms a barrier that suppresses weed growth while still allowing water and nutrients to penetrate the soil. There is a debate amongst gardeners and landscapers regarding the use of landscape fabric in conjunction with mulch. Some experts recommend using a landscape fabric, others stress that it can be harmful to soil health and ecosystem. The best way to decide whether to use landscape fabric under mulch is to consult with a local gardening or landscaping expert.

As we wrap up, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before spreading mulch. Knowing the answers to questions such as which mulch holds its color for the longest and how thick should mulch be applied will help you achieve the desired results. Whether you’re trying to retain moisture or suppress weed growth, proper mulching techniques will help you maintain a beautiful and healthy landscape. By following these tips, you’ll be able to work smarter, not harder, while still enjoying the beauty of your green spaces.

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